The MAYI Group of Companies have been serving the community for more than a decade with an inspiring vision to create an environment where all layers of the community are provided with the means to lead a healthy lifestyle. As MAYI continues to grow, we are extremely excited to announce the addition to the MAYI Group of Companies – MAYI Waters.
MAYI Waters in its efforts to REVOLUTIONISE the supply of drinking water brings to table a new era of creative innovation, Atmospheric Water Generators. The technology of producing WATER OUT OF THIN AIR that comes with MAYI Waters simply redefines sustainability.
MAYI Atmospheric Water Generators produces pure, clean, safe and healthy drinking by harvesting water from the air that we breathe ! Water harvested from the atmosphere, a source that is in abundance, is in the purest form – the MAYI Air Water!

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MAYI Infinity Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.
80A, Jalan Bangsar,
59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel : +603-2201 5664
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